


2、I like potato chips.『4words』

3、Mashed potatoes or chips『4words』

4、I love these chips.『4words』

5、original flavour natural potato chips『5words』

6、Eat blue corn tortilla chips.『5words』

7、She prefers chips and toast.『5words』

8、These potato chips are soft.『5words』

9、Do you like chips, Sally?『5words』

10、chip / crisp / potato chips『6words』



11、Potato chips were invented by mistake.『6words』

12、The Nokia N900 handset USES ARM chips.『7words』

13、Stop crushing the bag of potato chips『7words』

14、Buy: Potato chips, Glutinous peanut, Snack food.『7words』

15、Potato chips are served for the children.『7words』

16、Can I get you something, erm, soda, chips『8words』

17、Designing silicon chips to mimic human organs sounds fanciful.『9words』

18、I've ordered you egg and chips/egg and chips for you.『10words』

19、Right. While I sit back and eat cool ranch chips『10words』

20、The Nebulae is based on chips from Intel and Nvidia.『10words』

21、So how are dual core chips licensed for DB2 UDB?『10words』

22、The latest Godson chips will also have a number of advanced features.『12words』

23、Many SPI chips only support messages that are multiples of 8 bits.『12words』

24、The utility model is used for roasting lean meat chips, fish chips, shrimps, etc.『14words』

25、Imaging chips revolutionized the photography industry, and now the chips themselves are being revolutionized.『14words』

26、In multicore chips, however, multiple cores may have cached copies of the same data.『14words』

27、Great chips, systems developers, partners who are sponsoring this event, making this all possible.『14words』

28、LSI chips are medium to large size memory chips, 8 bit microprocessors, digital clocks or calculators.『16words』

29、Intel, the world's biggest chipmaker, plans to have WiMax chips for laptop computers ready this year.『16words』

30、Blue chips, the sharp rebound in CITIC Pacific 15.52 percent, or home first in the blue chips.『17words』



31、As proper cooking requires chips of reasonably uniform sizes, all chips must be screened before entering the digesters.『18words』

32、The PPE, although architecturally similar to other 64-bit PowerPC chips, isn't directly related to a specific product line.『18words』

33、Intel might catch up in designing low-power chips, but if it didn't, it could lose its quasi-monopoly margins.『18words』

34、This paper introduces principle of 93lcxxb serial EEPROM and application of the chips in intelligent watt hour meters.『18words』

35、Last year, the company redesigned the back panels of bags of Lay's potato chips, Tostitos tortilla chips and Fritos.『19words』

36、Based on the SWB environment, the design for manufacturing and optimization of the nano-level NMOS integrated chips were implemented.『19words』

37、As the cutting speed increases, the ribbon chips transform into the sawtooth chips when a critical cutting speed is reached.『20words』

38、Dark chocolate and semisweet chocolate chips rank third, with milk chocolate and chocolate syrup at the bottom of the list.『20words』

39、She places four chips when knocked six times, three chips when knocked three times and three chips when knocked four times.『21words』

40、In this photo, a worker heats a computer board on a steel surface to remove the computer chips soldered into it.『21words』

41、“Intestine chips and tendon chips are crunchy and salty, while lung chips tastes like liver, but less bitter and springier,” said Chiu.『22words』

42、I was a district manager for a large manufacturer and distributor of salty snacks. Potato chips, corn chips, pretzels, and so forth.『22words』

43、The logo, along with the company's long-held marketing image of the "irresistibility" of its chips would help facilitate the company's global expansion.『22words』

44、“Chips and dip" is a plate with a lot of potato chips or perhaps tortilla chips that are Fried in oil and salted.『23words』

45、Smaller chips usually mean faster speed, lower power consumption and, importantly, better margins-since more chips can be sliced from a single slab of silicon.『24words』

46、High Definition Audio (HDA) codecs are not listed in the device lists. At this moment OSS supports all HDA codec chips and controller chipsets.『24words』

47、The new type silicon-based luminous tube structure has a widely application prospect as light connection between chips or chips inner in next generation integrated circuit.『25words』

48、Such chips can not interoperate with the JTAG or SGPIO protocols, or any other protocol that requires messages that are not multiples of 8 bits.『25words』

49、Prior to the QFII scheme, foreign institutional investors have been focusing on the H shares, Red chips and B shares markets for a China play.『25words』

50、Researchers involved in similar studies where entire genomes are scanned by sophisticated “gene chips” said one of the chips could produce “skewed data” under certain conditions.『26words』



51、Processors: Intel's latest chips are the i3, i5, and i7 core models. But a laptop with chips from rival AMD, or older Intel dual-core chips, also is OK.『28words』

52、Bags of Doritos, Tostitos and Fritos now hold 20 percent fewer chips than in 2009, though a spokesman said those extra chips were just a "limited time" offer.『28words』

53、Bamboo is handled by chippers equipped with a pair of press rolls to crush them before being chipped. Bamboo chips are screened in almost the same ways as wood chips.『30words』

54、Note that many "high salt" products (ketchup, salad dressing, corn chips) show relatively low sodium values based on very small serving portions (who eats only 12 corn chips at a sitting??『31words』

55、The site also speculated that much of the work in Fort Collins would concentrate on server chips, as most of the engineers in the area have worked on either the PA-RISC or Itanium chips.『34words』

