

1、如果您计划截短表,则应该使用“not logged”选项。『2words』

2、This information is logged.『4words』

3、Are you logged on?『4words』

4、All phone calls are logged.『5words』

5、Warning: You are not logged in.『6words』



6、Not logged is the default behavior.『6words』

7、Man had logged too many trees.『6words』

8、Error reported to user, but not logged.『7words』

9、 update statistics is run only on logged databases.『8words』

10、You are now logged into the memcached server.『8words』



11、They logged the workers with food and water.『8words』

12、Siberia's forests are being logged at an incredible rate.『9words』

13、The thrown error can be logged for any future references.『10words』

14、After you enable transaction logging, all databases in R5 format are automatically logged.『13words』

15、If you have already logged in, logout from the application using the logout link.『14words』

16、If you are authenticated (logged on) to a site, always logoff after you finish.『14words』

17、To view the logged messages, open Log. NSF and then click the Miscellaneous Events view.『15words』

18、The samples are logged into the laboratory and allocated to the relevant section for testing.『15words』

19、Altogether the volunteers logged 433 unintentional actions that they found themselves doing—an average of twelve each.『16words』

20、Unable to use printer. This condition usually arises when you have not logged into the print server.『17words』



21、Many systems today have built-in diagnostic meters so that power supply parmeters can be monitored and logged.『17words』

22、After you have logged in and the workbench window is open, click open, and a drop-down menu appears.『18words』

23、With water logged zone of low-lying land in Xinxiang as an example, analysis is made on forming causes of water logged zone.『22words』

24、Basically, the selector field selects what facility will be logged (for example, kern, user, mail, LPR) and what priority the facility has.『22words』

25、Without thinking, I started to type a note of congratulations into the comment box, but midway through I erased it and logged off.『23words』

26、Errors (both fatal and non-fatal), warning, and informational messages are logged, while the adapter's data and control flow information is traced in the tracing configuration.『25words』

27、For each logged-in user, I must replace the logged-out piece of the page with a piece that displays the logged in user's login ID and picture.『26words』

28、Fast User Switching cannot be turned off while multiple users are logged on. Make sure that all other users are logged off, and then try again.『26words』

29、You can see that a logged-in user can log out or view his or her profile, and a logged out user can sign up or log in.『27words』

30、In essence, if the message is fired on the first output terminal of the custom mediation primitive, it is not logged, whereas if it is fired on the second terminal, it is logged to a database.『36words』

