

1、A pile, mound, or heap.『5words』

2、the pitcher's mound [plate, rubber]『5words』

3、What is that strange mound『5words』

4、1.a mound; 2.a sentry post『5words』

5、1.a big earth mound; 2.a village3.ruins『6words』



6、There is such a huge Obo mound.『7words』

7、The children are playing on the mound.『7words』

8、The bulldozer leveled the mound of earth.『7words』

9、They banked the earth (up) into a mound.『8words』

10、The mound is coal ash shipped from Kingston, Tennessee.『9words』



11、A small hard mound or bump on a ski slope.『10words』

12、Workers then assembled the oven and placed it onto an earthen mound.『12words』

13、fail to Build a mound for want of one final Basket of earth『13words』

14、A cheetah surveys the savanna from atop a termite mound in Botswana's Okavango Delta.『14words』

15、In the old days, many baseball pitchers liked to chew the cud on the mound.『15words』

16、This urban center of the Mississippi culture had organized leadership, commerce and a penchant for mound-building.『16words』

17、Very little of this first wall remains - although aerial photographs do reveal a low, long mound.『17words』

18、As the soil is shed, it drops down and forms a little hill of dirt, a mound.『17words』

19、(archeology) a mound of domestic refuse containing shells and animal bones marking the site of a prehistoric settlement.『18words』

20、Project coordinator Ulf Petzschmann examines Neolithic and Bronze Age ceramic vessels found in the7,000- year-old dwelling mound site.『18words』



21、There stirred far down within him the ghost of warmth, as from sparks lingering beneath a mound of flaky ash.『20words』

22、How does this mound of meat bring into being her comprehension of the doctor's question, and her ability to respond to it?『22words』

23、Less than 5 km away from the North Gate of the city is a mound known as Cang'Wang'Zhong or King Cang's Burial Mound.『23words』

24、“Cinder cones form when gas-rich volcanic froth erupts high into the air and then piles into a mound," according to the National Park Service.『24words』

25、By the open sea was a giant's grave; and on the grave-mound sat at midnight the spirit of the buried hero, who had been a king.『26words』

26、 When the sun was shining, the villagers gathered on the mound above the village. Some people said that the mound was the graveyard of the past.『27words』

27、The habit that most person walks is' mound 'calcaneal this is incorrect... if who always exerts oneself to do sth. mound calcaneal walks in can turning into very quickly spend fat-witted.『31words』

28、Johnson said that his back problems have been the cause of his inconsistency on the mound" to a certain extent," but he hopes that the extra rest will knock out the tightness before he takes the mound in October.『39words』

29、When the fog in the eastern foothills of Barang Snow Mountain surges, the thick clouds surge upwards from the bottom to the mound of the snow mountain. Once the clouds pass the mound, they disappear and disappear without trace.『39words』

